Rita, the daughter of Raisa Romanovna, has peculiarities in her mental development and plays herself in the film. The birth was very difficult. Serious complications during the childbirth led to the development of oligophrenia (mental retardation).
As a child, Rita went to a boarding school for mentally retarded children. She enthusiastically sang songs, learned poems, performed developmental exercises there, but circumstances forced her to return home two years later. Mom was always at work. The father was ashamed of his daughter’s illness, and left the family soon. Rita’s older sister Galina and younger brother Roman were engaged in the upbringing of Rita.
Rita looks at the world through the eyes of a naive child, but sometimes, quite suddenly, she voices some of her paradoxical and rather adult thoughts.
Her favorite activities since childhood were watching TV and playing with her dolls. But most of all she loved to drive a car with her brother. If Roman had the opportunity to take her with him, she sat near the window and continuously watched the views and landscapes flying past the windows.
Despite her illness, Rita is a very socially responsible and kind person. She likes to clean up the house, make the bed, take out the trash. When she was able to go outside, she even cleaned the yard. She never shirked from work.
Rita lived for 15 years in the village, where, together with her mother, she was happy to work in the garden, graze goats, go for a walk and ride a bicycle. And when she is asked at what period of her life she was happiest, she answers: “In the village.”
Now Rita is blind. At the age of 10-12, she lost sight in one eye, and in 2022 she became completely blind.
Rita appeared in the film spontaneously, when the script was already written. Inviting her to the creative process and introducing her to the plot opens up another aspect in the character gallery and gives an opportunity to look into another reality: the reality of an exceptional person.
Rita, the daughter of Raisa Romanovna, has peculiarities in her mental development and plays herself in the film. The birth was very difficult. Serious complications during the childbirth led to the development of oligophrenia (mental retardation).
As a child, Rita went to a boarding school for mentally retarded children. She enthusiastically sang songs, learned poems, performed developmental exercises there, but circumstances forced her to return home two years later. Mom was always at work. The father was ashamed of his daughter’s illness, and left the family soon. Rita’s older sister Galina and younger brother Roman were engaged in the upbringing of Rita.
Rita looks at the world through the eyes of a naive child, but sometimes, quite suddenly, she voices some of her paradoxical and rather adult thoughts.
Her favorite activities since childhood were watching TV and playing with her dolls. But most of all she loved to drive a car with her brother. If Roman had the opportunity to take her with him, she sat near the window and continuously watched the views and landscapes flying past the windows.
Despite her illness, Rita is a very socially responsible and kind person. She likes to clean up the house, make the bed, take out the trash. When she was able to go outside, she even cleaned the yard. She never shirked from work.
Rita lived for 15 years in the village, where, together with her mother, she was happy to work in the garden, graze goats, go for a walk and ride a bicycle. And when she is asked at what period of her life she was happiest, she answers: “In the village.”
Now Rita is blind. At the age of 10-12, she lost sight in one eye, and in 2022 she became completely blind.
Rita appeared in the film spontaneously, when the script was already written. Inviting her to the creative process and introducing her to the plot opens up another aspect in the character gallery and gives an opportunity to look into another reality: the reality of an exceptional person.